ON THE GO -Clear Quartz Wand
The Aǹalemma Wand is a portable tool that transforms regular water into its super-charged, full-spectrum coherent state.
It consists of an ultra-thin quartz vial filled with Mother Water, a highly dominant positive frequency water obtained through a 5-stage procedure spanning 365 days. When you swirl the Aǹalemma Wand through regular water, its molecules mimic the Mother Water’s frequency and coherent structure.
This seamless transfer of coherent structure is enabled by the very specific physical composition of quartz.
The Aǹalemma Wand requires no batteries or electric charging. Both the Mother Water and the water treated with the Wand are highly stable, even when exposed to strong radiation. With proper care, this elegant tool can be your source of coherent water for a lifetime.
The Aǹalemma Wand contains ultra-thin quartz and is therefore very fragile. Dropping it from any distance will almost certainly break it, so handle it with extreme care.
Supercharged Full-Spectrum Coherent Water Quartz wands
When the Aǹalemma wand was being designed, Aǹalemma had one goal in mind: to create a sustainable, elegant tool that will allow anyone to easily create endless amounts of coherent water – with no recurring purchases necessary.
The technology creates what we call the “mother water” – the supercharged full-spectrum coherent water we fill into our wands. The Aǹalemma wand is made of quartz, a crystal whose physical structure allows it to transmit energy from the inside to the outside. When regular water is placed in close proximity to the Aǹalemma wand, the dominant, highly ordered configuration of the water inside the wand is copied to the outside, and the regular water in the glass becomes coherent, allowing you to receive all of its benefits.
Supercharged Full-Spectrum Coherent Water Wands
Is this a water filter?Aǹalemma is not a water filter. Analemma is best used alongside of a water filter and where possible, treating your water with Analemma products should be the last treatment of your water with any of our devices. This would mean filtering, Hydrogenating, treating with a water softener etc. Aǹalemma would be used as the last treatment if at all possible. Filtering affects the physical state of water but doesn’t change its chemical content. However, to further increase the quality of your drinking water, we recommend using Aǹalemma on post-filtered water whenever possible. Filtering your water extracts the physical toxins such as heavy metals, hormones and microplastics however, the energetic value of these toxins (think of it as the toxic DNA) remains in the post-filtered water for your consumption. A horrific thought as your body is still consuming all the data and information that these toxins hold. By using your Aǹalemma device, it will neutralise the nasties in your water AND structure your water into a PERMANENTLY Super Charged Full Spectrum Coherent State - bringing the left and right side hemispheres of your brain to coherence within 10 minutes of drinking as well as structuring every water cell in your body, bringing coherence and harmony to mind, Body & Soul.
What is the “mother water”?The “mother water” is the full-spectrum coherent water that is filled into all Aǹalemma products. The mother water is created through a five-stage process that spans a period of one year. In brief, the water starts out as regular, clean water, purified from chemical and biological contamination. It then undergoes a physical procedure that resembles the natural movements and cycles of water in nature. Through this process, the mother water is brought into a highly ordered physical state that can be transferred to surrounding water molecules through direct physical exposure (such as stirring regular water with the Aǹalemma wand).
How can the “mother water” affect regular water if it’s enclosed in a vial?When you stir regular water with the Aǹalemma wand, the coherent configuration of the “mother water” contained inside the vial is successfully copied to surrounding water molecules. For this to work, the vial had to be designed in a specific way. During development, we tried out numerous materials before we found that quartz has a specific physical composition which allows a seamless transfer of energy between the inside and outside of the vial. This is the main reason the wand is so fragile – the vial had to be made ultra thin so it doesn’t disrupt the transference process.
How long does the water stay coherent after it’s treated?As of yet, Aǹalemma water seems to hold its coherent state indefinitely. Our most recent testing was done on water that was treated 5 years prior, and it still held its coherent structure.
Does the direction of swirling make a difference?The direction of swirling does not influence the functionality of the Aǹalemma wand. We tested both the speed and the direction of swirling and neither parameter had influence on the coherent state.
If I combine regular and coherent water, will it all become coherent?Aǹalemma-treated water won’t make regular water coherent in the same way that “mother water” does. Once you combine regular and coherent water, you should re-stir the new body of water to ensure it is sufficiently treated. To do that, it’s best to follow our standard stirring formula. For example, if you add 35 oz (1 L) of regular water to your coherent water, you should stir for at least one more minute.
Will EMFs affect the coherent state of Analemma water in the wand?No. We tested the coherence of Aǹalemma-treated water inside our wands when exposed to different sources of radiation, such as radiofrequency radiation (emitted by mobile phones, computers and similar electric devices), microwave radiation, visible light, UV and short-lasting X-ray radiation. Regardless of the type of radiation, exposure to different electromagnetic waves did not affect the coherence of Aǹalemma water inside the vial.
How is coherence tested?Our main test is an indirect biological assay based on biophoton emission of germinating plant seeds. Our early research showed that coherent water will produce a specific biophoton emission curve that differs from a curve produced by regular water. Since Aǹalemma water was originally created as a side-product of biophoton research, this remains our most reliable indirect assay for quickly measuring the changes in water. Biophoton emission is tested using highly sensitive charge-coupled cameras. For our standardised tests, we are analysing the biophoton emission curves produced by plant seeds during germination. Seed germination requires only water and light, so by keeping the light exactly the same, and changing only the water, we can assess the changes in the water by measuring the difference in metabolic activity of the seeds. It’s important to note that water coherence is part of an emerging scientific field, and there are currently no standardised tests for directly measuring the coherence of water using conventional technology. We used various tests to measure the size of coherent domains in Aǹalemma water, such as Raman, UV/VIS and NIR spectroscopy (also known as aquaphotomics) and temperature perturbations. However, these tests did not offer a sufficient level of reproducibility to be used for QA
What is the main difference between Analemma and other water-structuring devices?The main difference between Aǹalemma water and other “structured” waters is its stability. Most structured waters lose their structure within 5 minutes to a couple of hours after treatment. Aǹalemma water holds its stability for years, even after a single treatment.
Can I treat distilled, Reverse Osmosis, Alkaline or Hydrogen water with Analemma?Yes, Aǹalemma can be used with any kind of room-temperature drinkable liquid. The same applies to mineral water, spring water, filtered water, etc.
Can I use Analemma on hot tea or coffee?We do not recommend immersing the Aǹalemma wand in any hot liquids as this can lead to breakage of the highly delicate crystal vial. However, you can still prepare your favorite tea or coffee by using pre-treated coherent water. This process will not have a permanent effect on the coherent state, so enjoy your hot beverage without any worries.
Can I use coherent water for cooking?Yes, we recommend treating room-temperature water with the Aǹalemma wand and using it for cooking when needed.
Can I use Analemma on juices, wine or yoghurt?Yes, you can use Aǹalemma on any room-temperature drinkable liquid. As long as it contains water, Aǹalemma will have an effect on it. To keep the wand in mint condition, make sure to rinse it with warm water after this type of use to wash off any remaining organic particles.
Will heating up/freezing have an effect on the coherent state of water?Heating or freezing will not permanently affect the coherent state of Aǹalemma water. At temperatures above 149 degrees Fahrenheit (65 degrees Celsius), the coherent structure will be temporarily distorted due to natural fluctuations in water molecules’ behaviour, however, our tests have confirmed that the coherent structure is efficiently restored when the water cools down.
What type of container should I store coherent water in?You can store coherent water in any type of container you would normally use. We tested all the most commonly used materials (glass, plastic, steel, copper, clay) and found no difference in the coherent structure.
Can I water my plants with Analemma water?Yes, this is more than recommended. Our research showed multiple benefits of Aǹalemma water on plant vitality, soil quality and the energy storage capacity of fruits. Additionally, our most recent study on basil plants indicated protective effects of Aǹalemma water on essential processes like respiration and photosynthesis even during drought.
Since starting to drink Aǹalemma Water I've noticed headaches and tiredness - is this a normal symptom?Yes, these can be symptoms of a toxin release from your body. These should be gone in a few days. This is why consistent use of Aǹalemma is so important so that the positive effects really build up over time. Symptoms like this can occur but do not happen to everyone. If concerned please consult your physician however, this would normally occur when your body is purging build up of toxins.
If I make a big jug of structured water and I use it over a few days, how long will it stay structured if no new regular water is added?So far, Aǹalemma water has managed to keep its structured state indefinitely. In our latest tests, we looked at water treated six years ago, and it has still maintained its coherent form. If you treated your water a few days ago, it will most definitely still keep its coherence.
If I have yesterdays old water left in a jug, what would be best - add new water and stir, or give the « old» water it to the plants and take new water and do the stirring?In this case, whichever option you choose is good! The leftover water in the jar will still hold its coherence. Plants LOVE Aǹalemma Water too so either choice would be fine.
What would be the benefit of using Analemma Water to fill our hot tub?Bathing in Aǹalemma Water can help increase your cellular energy and even enhance the absorption of nutrients already in your system. It also helps feed your skin bacteria with the highest quality water there is. We are currently conducting a study on the benefits of bathing in Aǹalemma Water. More information about the study will be available soon but so far the results are looking amazing!
If you boil Aǹalemma Water, does it lose its structure?According to our tests, as coherent water heats up, this will cause a disturbance in the structure. However, as the water cools down to temperatures below -150° Fahrenheit (65°C), its coherence will be restored. This means that you can get the same benefits of coherent water in its cooled down form that you would get from room-temperature coherent water. This also means that if you were to consume a hot drink, once it has cooled inside your body it will once again become coherent and structured so your body would still reap the massive benefits.
Is there a difference drinking Coherent Water out of a glass, plastic cup or ceramic mug?There wouldn't be much of a difference as treated water will remain coherent in all of these. Naturally, we do not recommend storing water in bottles/cups that contain harmful chemicals like BPA. However, this is just general advice, it's not something that will affect the coherent form or structure.
How is the 'Mother Water" made?The “mother water” is created through a five-stage process that spans over a period of one year, with the aim of altering the physical state of water. This water has such a powerful, dominant frequency, that it inevitably affects the configuration of any water molecules that come in direct contact with it.
If the water in the wand can change the water in a glass... what stops the water in the glass from changing the water in the wand?Water molecules tend to mimic the atomic structure of the dominant frequency. Since the Analemma mother water inside the Analemma device has incredibly powerful frequency, stability and structure, all of the H2O molecules that come into close proximity to it, start forming the same structure.
How is the whole house unit installed?Regardless of what country Unit you choose, there are two ways to connect the Aǹalemma unit depending on what kind of existing plumbing system you presently have. Standard methods used are press fitting or compression fitting. The unit also comes with an installation manual for easy installation process!
For how long will the unit last?The unit will last virtually forever once installed! There is no need for any maintenance as well!
What is the flow chart capacity of the whole house unit?
Is the plumber required for the installation of the unit?Yes – make sure a certified plumber installs your unit, to avoid any issues with the installation. Analemma.UK is not responsible for the installation of the unit.
Can the unit be installed both vertically and horizontally?Yes – the unit can be installed both vertically and horizontally. The unit comes with an installation manual, to ensure an easy installation process.
Are there any fragile components inside the unit that can break?No – the unit is designed to be sturdy with no fragile parts.
Does the unit require maintenance?No – once installed, the unit does not require any maintenance.
Does the whole house unit also filter out the water?No – the whole house unit will not filter out your water. We recommend combining it with a water filter, to ensure the best possible quality of water is achieved.
I have a water filter unit installed – can the whole house unit be combined with my water filter unit?Yes – if you can combine the whole house unit with your already installed water filter system – we always recommend to install the Aǹalemma whole house unit after the filter unit, but it is not a requirement.
Can I install the unit outside my home?We usually recommend installing the unit indoors, especially if your area is prone to freezing temperatures. The Whole house unit may be installed outdoors only in mild/hot temperature areas (above 4C) and protected from direct weather conditions (sun, rain etc). For more information on the outdoor installation, please contact our support at info@analemma-water.com to assist you further.
Does the unit require any electricity?No, the unit does not require any electricity.
How much pressure is optimal for the unit?The ideal pressure for the unit is between 1,5 and 5 Bar.
What is the length of the unit?
Whole House Installation Manuals
What would be the benefit of using Analemma Water to fill our hot tub?Bathing in Aǹalemma Water can help increase your cellular energy and even enhance the absorption of nutrients already in your system. It also helps feed your skin bacteria with the highest quality water there is. We are currently conducting a study on the benefits of bathing in Aǹalemma Water. More information about the study will be available soon but so far the results are looking amazing!
How many Gallons will a Whole House Unit Structure or how often does it need to be changed?The Aǹalemma Whole House Unit is designed to last and is constructed from durable brass. As long as the unit remains undamaged, the water passing through the system will be treated almost indefinitely, and you don't need to change it. This robust design ensures continuous and long-lasting benefits for your water.
UK / EU Whole House Installation Manual
USA / CAN / AUS Whole House Installation Manual
UK / EU Whole House Installation Manual
USA / CAN / AUS Whole House Installation Manual
GARDEN Unit Installation